Superposition represents any state of the qubit that is a linear combination of basis states |j^> and |jv> where both components are non-zero.
States that are not in superposition:
- |j^> =
- |jv> =
- –|j^> =
- –|jv> =
Note that although the state is mathematically possible, a qubit cannot physically exist in this state. Also, this state breaches Born’s rule which states that:
P(x) = |<x|ψ>|2 and ∑P(xi) = 1.
In this case ∑P(xi) = 0.
Some States that are in Superposition:
- |^> = = 1/√2(|j^> + |jv>)
- |v> = = 1/√2(|j^> –|jv>)
- |i^> = = 1/√2(|j^> + i|jv>)
- |iv> = = 1/√2(|j^> + –i|jv>)
- = 1/√3|j^> + 2/√3|jv>
In summary, any state where either of the matrix column entries equal 0 is not in superposition. Conversely, any state, where both of the column entries are not 0, are in superposition.
Check out the Bellagio Circuit where states are changed into superposition using Haadamard circuits.
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