The quantum CNOT gate, controlled not, inverts the second qubit in a multipart qubit whenever the first qubit is jv. The first qubit is the control.
Examples of Quantum CNOT Gate
- CNOT |j^j^> =
- = |j^j^>
- CNOT |j^jv> =
- = |j^jv>
- CNOT |jvj^> =
- = |jvjv>
- CNOT |jvjv> =
- = |jvj^>
- CNOT –|jvj^> =
- = –|jvjv>
Note that all gates are unitary and as such the quantum CNOT gate is reversible.
- CNOT –|jvjv> =
- = –|jvj^>
See the Bellagio circuit for examples of the CNOT gate.
Quantum CNOT Gate in Dirac State Format
- CNOT |j^j^> = |j^j^>
- CNOT |j^jv> = |j^jv>
- CNOT |jvj^> = |jvjv >
- CNOT |jvjv> = |jvj^>
- CNOT –|jvj^> = –|jvjv >
- CNOT –|jvjv> = –|jvj^>
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