October 18, 2024
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R2 – Exponentiation – Fractions, Flip Sign and Rules

This post covers the rules of R2 exponentiation. It also describes the use of fractions and the flip sign with exponentiation along with some examples.


Exponents in fractions represent multiplication roots. As described in an earlier post, the root of an expression can be expressed as the root of the counter multiplied by the root of the unitary. For example:

  • 10^1/2 = 101/2*1^1/2  =  2√10*2√(1^) = 3.16*1^ = 3.16^  
    • or 3.16*1v = 3.16v

  • 10v1/2 = 101/2*1v1/2  =  2√10*2√(1v) = 3.16*i^ = 3.16i^  
    • or 3.16*iv = 3.16iv

  • 10^2/3 = 102/3*1^2/3  =  (3√10)2*3√(1^)2 = (2.154)2*(1^)2 = 4.64^
    • or (2.154)2*(0.5v + 0.806i^)2 = 4.64*(0.4v + 0.806iv) = 1.855v + 3.74iv
    • or (2.154)2*(0.5v + 0.806iv)2 = 4.64*(0.4v + 0.806i^) = 1.855v + 3.74i^

  • 10v2/3 = 102/3*1v2/3  =  (3√10)2*3√(1v)2 = (2.154)2*(1v)2 = 4.64^
    •  or (2.154)2*(0.5^ + 0.806i^)2 = 4.64*(0.4v + 0.806i^) = 1.855v + 3.74i^
    • or (2.154)2*(0.5^ + 0.806iv)2 = 4.64*(0.4v + 0.806iv) = 1.855v + 3.74iv

  • 10i^1/2 = 101/2*i^1/2  =  2√10*2√(i^) = 3.16*(√2/2^ + √2/2i^) =2.234^ + 2.234i^
    • or 3.16*(√2/2v + √2/2iv)  =1.58√2v + 1.58√2iv

  • 10iv1/2 = 101/2*iv1/2  =  2√10*2√(iv) = 3.16*(√2/2^ + √2/2iv) =2.234^ + 2.234iv
    • or 3.16*(√2/2v + √2/2i^)  =2.234v + 2.234i^


The exponent can be applied to the counter only as follows:

  • 101/2^ = 2√101^ = 3.161^  = 3.16^ 
  • 101/2v = 2√101v = 3.161iv = 3.16iv
  • 102/3^ = 3√102^ = 2.1542^ = 4.64^   
  • 102/3v = 3√102v = 2.1542v = 4.64v                            
  • 103/4^ = 4√103^ = 1.7783^ = 5.62^

Exponent with Flip Sign and Fractions as Reciprocals of Roots

Exponents with a flip sign before a fraction represents the reciprocals of roots. For example:

  • 10^-2/3 = 1^/10^2/3 = 1^/(102/3*1^2/3) = 1^/(3√102*3√(1^)2) = 1^/(2.1542*1^) =1^/4.64^ = 0.216^
    • or 1^/(2.1542*((0.5v + 0.866i^)2) =1^/(4.64*(0.5v + 0.866iv)) = 1^/(2.32v + 4.02iv)= 0.108v +0.187i^
    • or 1^/(2.1542*((0.5v + 0.866iv)2) =1^/(4.64*(0.5v + 0.866i^)) = 1^/(2.32v + 4.02i^)= 0.108v +0.187iv

  • 10v-2/3 = 1^/10v2/3 = 1^/(102/3*1v2/3) = 1^/(3√102*3√(1v)2) = 1^/(2.1542*1v) =1^/4.64v = 0.216v
    • or 1^/(2.1542*((0.5^ + 0.866i^)2) =1^/(4.64^*(0.5v + 0.866i^)) = 1^/(2.32v + 4.02i^)= 0.108v +0.187iv
    • or 1^/(2.1542*((0.5^ + 0.866iv)2) =1^/(4.64^*(0.5v + 0.866iv)) = 1^/(2.32v + 4.02iv)= 0.108v +0.187i^

  • 10i^-1/2 = 1^/10i^1/2 = 1^/(101/2*i^1/2) = 1^/(√10*√(i^)) = 1^/(3.16*(0.707^ + 0.707i^)) =1^/(2.234^ + 2.234i^) = 0.224^ + 0/224iv
    •  or 1^/(3.16*(0.707v + 0.707iv)) =1^/(2.234v + 2.234iv) = 0.224v + 0.224i^

  • 10iv-1/2 = 1^/10iv1/2 = 1^/(101/2*iv1/2) = 1^/(√10*√(iv)) = 1^/(3.16*(√2/2^ + √2/2iv)) =1^/(2.234^ + 2.234iv) = 0.224^ + 0.224i^
    •  or 1^/(3.16*(√2/2v + √2/2i^)) =1^/(2.234v + 2.234i^) = 0.224v + 0.224iv

The exponent can be applied to the counter only as follows:

  • 10-1/2^ = 1/(2√10)1^ = 1/(3.16)^ = 0.316^
  • 10-1/2v = 1/(2√10)1v = 1/(3.16)v = 0.316v
  • 10-2/3^ = 1/(3√10)2^ = 1/(2.154)2^ = 1/4.64^ = 0.216^
  • 10-2/3v = 1(3√10)2v = 1/(2.154)2v = 1/4.64v = 0.216v
  • 10-3/4^ = 1/(4√10)3^ = 1/(1.778)3^ = 1/5.62^ = 0.178^


The flip sign can also be used in exponentiation as a flipped number can be raised exponentially. For example:

  • (2^)2 = (2v)2 =  2v*2v = 4^
  • (2v)2 = (2^)2 =  2^*2^ = 4^
  • (2i^)3 = 2iv*2iv*2iv = 8i^                                          
  • (2iv)3 = 2i^*2i^*2i^ = 8iv
  • (2iv)4 = 2i^*2i^*2i^*2i^ = 16^

It can make a difference which of the flip and exponential operations takes place first, so the flip sign can produce a different result if outside the brackets. For three of the examples above:

  • (2^2)  = (2^*2^) = (4^) = 4v. Note that this is different to (2^)2 above.
  • (2iv3)  = (2iv*2iv*2iv) = (8i^) = 8iv. Note that this is the same as (2iv)3 above.
  • (2iv)4 = (2iv*2iv*2iv*2iv)= (16^) = 16v. Note that this is different to (2v)4 above.

Finally for flipping:

  • 2v2 is interpreted as (2v2) = (4^) = 4v and
  • 2iv2 is interpreted as (2iv2) = (4v) = 4^

R2 Rules of Exponentiation

There are 14 R2 rules of exponentiation as follows:

  1. xn*xm      = xn+m
  2. xn/xm     = xn+m, when x  0                       
  3. (xn)m       = xnm
  4. (xy)n       = xnyn
  5. (x/y)n     = xn/yn , when y  0
  6. xn           = 1^/xn, when x  0                                
  7. x           = x1/2
  8. x0            = 1^, when x  0   
  9. 00           = 0         
    • Note that it has not been agreed in classical maths whether 00 = 1 or is undefined.
  10. x2/3         = (3x)2
  11. xm/n = xm/n*1‡xxm/n
    • For example 10v1/2 = 101/2*1v1/2 
  12. (xyz)3     = x3y3z3
  13. 34a     = 12a
  14.  (x + y)2  ≠ x2 + y2


Finally, an exponent is not an Opposite Value. It is a Counter. The online calculator does not support exponentiation yet.

Next: Logs

Previous: Exponentiation Definition

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