January 2, 2025
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R1 – Rotation – Multiplication Table

Orthogonal Rule The Orthogonal rule, states that multiplication by a unitary is the equivalent of rotation around the unitary’s single point axis by 90o. This allows the derivation of the R1 multiplication table that follows. Multiplication Table The unitary multiplication table of R1 shows the result of multiplying by 1^ or 1v. Multiplying by 1^ equates […]

R3 – Rotation – Multiplication Table

Orthogonal Rule The layout of the R3 axes is defined as part of the Wave Number axioms. The Axioms of Rotation provide the Orthogonal rule which states that multiplication by a unitary is the equivalent of rotation around the unitary’s axis by 90o. This allows for the derivation of the R3 unitary multiplication table, shown below, from rotations […]

R2 – Rotation – Multiplication Table

Orthogonal Rule used to Derive Multiplication Table The Axioms of Rotation provide the Orthogonal rule that states that multiplication by a unitary is the equivalent of rotation around the unitary’s single point axis by 90o. This allows the derivation of the R2 unitary multiplication table that follows. Multiplication by i^ Using the post-it note prop, it […]