Quantum – Circuits – Bellagio – Part 1
Seven qubits, q0 to q6, make up the Quantum Bellagio Circuit. The primary qubits are q0, q2, q3 and q4. The Haadamard gates put these into superposition producing 24 = 16 parts in the mega qubit. Consequently, the rest of the qubits are dependent qubits. Each part from 1 to 16 of the mega […]
Quantum Programming – Introduction
One of the mysterious points to address in an introduction to quantum programming is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. This states that because of an electron’s wave-like nature, you cannot know the precise position and momentum of an electron. The more accurately you know one, the less accurately you know the other. An electron in a […]
Quantum – Gates – Haadamard – H
This post shows how R2 Wave Numbers are used with the Haadamard gate. Note that part 1 of the Bellagio circuit uses Haadamard gates. H Gate The Haadmard gate puts |j^> and |jv> into superposition. It does this by splitting |j^> to |j^> + |jv> and |jv> to |j^> + –|jv>. Similarly to other gates, […]
Quantum – Theory – Superposition
Definition: Superposition represents any state of the qubit that is a linear combination of basis states |j^> and |jv> where both components are non-zero. States that are not in superposition: Note that although the state is mathematically possible, a qubit cannot physically exist in this state. Also, this state breaches Born’s rule which states that: […]
Quantum – Theory – Single, Multipart and Mega Qubits
This post covers the features of single and multipart qubits. Single Qubit Features Flip Operation Multipart Qubit Features Superposition and Entanglement and Mega Qubits Next: Matrices Previous: Basis and Born’s Rule