March 7, 2025
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Quantum – Circuits – Introduction

This post describes is an introduction to quantum circuits in Wave Numbers. It describes the representation of multipart qubits as tensor products. It also shows how multipart qubits are used in multipart addition and Haadamard gates. Definition According to Qiskit, ‘A quantum circuit is a computational routine consisting of coherent quantum operations on quantum data, such as […]

Quantum Programming – Introduction

One of the mysterious points to address in an introduction to quantum programming is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. This states that because of an electron’s wave-like nature, you cannot know the precise position and momentum of an electron. The more accurately you know one, the less accurately you know the other. An electron in a […]

Quantum – Circuits – Bell States

Creation of Bell States: Two qubits are maximally entangled when they are in a quantum Bell state. This means that one qubit is |j^> and the other |jv> and so are orthogonal to each other. Two qubits are put into a Bell state by first entangling them using a Haadamard gate and then putting them […]

Quantum – Gates – Introduction

Gates Quantum gates perform operations on qubits and need to relate to the physical process that manipulates qubits. An element of 0 in a gate operating on a 1^ in a qubit is the equivalent of saying stop or that the wave has no probability of getting to that hemisphere. Dirac’s Notation Quantum theory is […]

Quantum – Theory – State Equations

This post covers the generic equations for quantum states and gives the equations for the poles on each of the axes. As the Wave Number Bloch sphere is not available in our shop, references to the Bloch sphere will include both the Wave Number and Bloch sphere rotation ball co-ordinates where used. Standard Symbols Ψ, […]