R3 – Reciprocals and Multiplicative Inverses
This post covers multiplicative inverses and the reciprocals of Opposite Values in R3. Need for Multiplicative Inverses As stated in the theorem in an earlier post, multiplicative inverses are not available in R3. Multiplicative inverses do not exist, as multiplication is not commutative in R3. The main use of the multiplicative inverse is to avoid […]
R2 – Division – Advanced
This post covers more advanced math division in R2 including multiplicative inverses and the use of simultaneous equations. R2 Division Table / 1^ 1v i^ iv 1^ 1^ 1v iv i^ 1v 1v 1^ i^ iv i^ i^ iv 1^ 1v iv iv i^ 1v 1^ Inverses The theorems of multiplicative inverses describe the features […]
Theorems – Reciprocals and Multiplicative Inverses
The theorems of reciprocals and multiplicative inverses are derived from the theorems in Axioms for Real Numbers as interpreted for Wave Numbers. Next: Quotients Previous: Distributive