January 24, 2025
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Quantum – Circuits – Bellagio – Part 1

Seven qubits, q0 to q6, make up the Quantum Bellagio Circuit. The primary qubits are q0, q2, q3 and q4.   The Haadamard gates put these into superposition producing 24 = 16 parts in the mega qubit.  Consequently, the rest of the qubits are dependent qubits. Each part from 1 to 16  of the mega […]

Quantum – Circuits – Bellagio – Part 1 – Continued

In the previous post, the Quantum Bellagio Haadamard gates created a mega qubit of 16 multipart qubits. As a result, it setup all possible combinations of k, k‾ ,m and m‾ . Following this, the rest of part 1 of the circuit programs the problem constraints and then tags the solutions. Changes to Mega Qubit […]

Quantum – Circuits – Part 2 – Bellagio Mirror

The Bellagio Mirror follows part 1 of the quantum circuit. It has already tagged the solution by changing the phase of q6 in parts  3, 4, 8, 9, 12-16 of the mega qubit. In order to be able to measure the qubits, it is necessary to reverse the quantum circuits. Do this by running the […]

Quantum – Circuits – Introduction

This post describes is an introduction to quantum circuits in Wave Numbers. It describes the representation of multipart qubits as tensor products. It also shows how multipart qubits are used in multipart addition and Haadamard gates. Definition According to Qiskit, ‘A quantum circuit is a computational routine consisting of coherent quantum operations on quantum data, such as […]

Quantum – Circuits – Bellagio – Definition

Introduction This post provides a definition of the Bellagio scheduling problem that will be solved in the following posts using a Wave Number quantum circuit. The Wave Numbers Bellagio circuit has been adapted from the solution in Quantum Computing Program Next-Gen Computers for Hard, Real-World Applications. Problem Definition Logic Definition for Day 1 at the […]

Quantum – Circuits – Bell States

Creation of Bell States: Two qubits are maximally entangled when they are in a quantum Bell state. This means that one qubit is |j^> and the other |jv> and so are orthogonal to each other. Two qubits are put into a Bell state by first entangling them using a Haadamard gate and then putting them […]

Quantum – Circuits – CZ

CZ Gate The quantum CZ gate, the controlled Z gate,  phase-flips the second qubit in a multipart qubit whenever the first qubit is jv and the second qubit is jv. The first qubit is the control and the CZ gate works as follows: Note that all gates are unitary and as such the quantum CZ […]

Quantum – Circuits – CCNOT

This post covers the CCNOT gate in quantum programming. CCNOT Gate The CCNOT or Toffoli gate inverts the third qubit in a multipart qubit. This only happens if the first and second qubits are jv. So, the first and second qubits are the control bits and the gate works as follows:. Conclusion Check out the […]

Quantum – Circuits – AH2

AH2 Gate The quantum AH2 gate is the Haadmard gate for a multipart qubit with 2 qubits. The Haadamard operation, H, applies to the first qubit as follows: Next: CZ gate Previous: CNOT gate

Quantum – Gates – Haadamard – H

This post shows how R2 Wave Numbers are used with the Haadamard gate. Note that part 1 of the Bellagio circuit uses Haadamard gates. H  Gate  The Haadmard gate puts |j^> and |jv> into superposition. It does this by splitting |j^> to |j^> + |jv> and |jv> to |j^> + –|jv>. Similarly to other gates, […]