December 7, 2024
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Wave Number Bloch Sphere

This post describes the new Wave Numbers Bloch sphere. The sphere has been redesigned to use R2 Wave Numbers. Our shop does not have the Wave Numbers Bloch sphere available yet. However, the classic Bloch Sphere rotation ball is available. Quantum Bases Basis defined by |j^> and |jv> states The states that make up a […]

R3 – Rotation – Spherical Coordinates

This post covers the formula for spherical coordinates in R3. Examples of rotation using the formula are given. Cartesian Coordinates The Cartesian coordinates of a point are based on the intersection of perpendicular lines from the point with the x, y and z-axes. For example: the Cartesian coordinates at a point on the surface of […]

R2 – Rotation – Cartesian & Euler

This post describes the role of Cartesian Coordinates and Euler’s formula in R2 Wave Number Rotation. Cartesian Coordinates and Euler’s Formula in R2 The Cartesian coordinates of a point are based on the intersection of perpendicular lines from the point with the x and y axes. For example: The Cartesian coordinates at π^/4 or 45^o […]