October 18, 2024
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Theorems – Flipping

The theorems of flipping are derived from the theorems in Axioms for Real Numbers as interpreted for Wave Numbers.

  1. 0 = 0.
  2. (a) = a.
  3. R1 and R2: a*b = (a*b)  For example:
    • 1^*1v = 1v*1v = 1^ = (1^*1v) = (1v) = 1^
    • i^*1v = iv*1v = i^ = (i^*1v) = (iv) = i^
  4. R3 and higher: a*b(a*b)  For example:
    • j^*jv = jv*jv = jv(j^*jv) = (jv ) = j^
  5. R1 and R2: a*b = a*b  For example:
    • 1^*1v = 1v*1^ = 1v = 1^*1v = 1v
    • i^*1v = iv*1^ = iv = i^*1v = iv
  6. R3 and higher: a*ba*b  For example:   
    • j^*jv  = jv*j^ = j^ ≠  j^*jv = jv
  7. a?? = |a|*1‡aa
  8. a?^  = a?v;           a?v  = a?^;

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