September 8, 2024
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Definition – Dimensions

The Wave Number system encompasses an unlimited number of dimensional subsets, each representing a different number of dimensions, starting with one dimension. Each dimensional subset is denoted as Rn.

  • R1 is a one-dimensional subset based on the x-axis number line with the Opposite Values in the format 1?, 2?, etc.

  • R2 is a two-dimensional subset that builds on R1 by adding the y-axis number line, with the Opposite Values in the format i?, 2i?, etc.

  • R3 is a three-dimensional subset that builds on R2 by adding the z-axis number line, with the Opposite Values in the format j?, 2j?, etc.

  • R4 is a four-dimensional subset that builds on R3 by adding the w-axis number line, with the Opposite Values in the format k?, 2k?, etc.

  • R5 is a five-dimensional subset that builds on R4  by adding the v-axis number line, with the Opposite Values in the format l?, 2l?, etc.

  • Rn is an n-dimensional subset that builds on Rn-1 by adding  an axis number line, with the Opposite Values in the format ??, 2??, etc.

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