September 19, 2024
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R2 – Return and Orthogonal Rules

This post describes the first 2 universal rules of rotation in R2, the Return and Orthogonal. Standard Rotation Definition Rotation is a fundamental operation in Wave Numbers and is supported by the facts expressed in its axioms. A rotation moves a point represented by Opposite Values to a location represented by other Opposite Values by a circular movement […]

R3 – Euler and Tait-Bryan Angles

Introduction This description of Euler and Tait-Bryan angles in R3 is based on the description of Euler Angles in Wikipedia. According to Euler, any rotation, R, is a combination of 3 Euler angles of rotation. There are two types of Euler Angles. The first are the classic Euler angles, also known as proper angles. The […]

R3 – Using the Rotation Ball

Standard Orientation To use the Wave Number Rotation Ball, hold it in a standard orientation before making any rotations. The standard orientation has X^ facing, Z^ to the north and Y^ to the east. The fixed x, y and z-axes The x, y and z-axes themselves do not move when rotating around them. It is […]

R1 – Rotation – Rotvision

What is R1 Rotvision? The rotvision operation is the inverse of rotation. Rotation requires an amount of rotation, a single point axis and a starting point to calculate the new location of a point. In contrast, rotvision requires a current point, a single point axis and an original starting point that are all Opposite Values. […]

R2 – Rotation – Rotvision

What is R2 Rotvision? The R2 rotvision operation is the inverse of rotation. Rotation requires an amount of rotation, a single point axis and a starting point in order to calculate the new location of a point. In contrast, rotvision requires a current point, a single point axis and an original starting point that are […]