September 16, 2024
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R3 – Rotation – Roticvision

The R3 roticvision operation is the inverse of rotication. As seen in an earlier post, rotication requires an amount of rotation, an axis and a starting point in order to calculate the new location of a point. In contrast, roticvision requires a current point, an axis and an original starting point that are all Opposite […]

R3 – Rotation – Rotvision

The rotvision operation is the inverse of rotation in R3. Rotation requires an amount of rotation, an axis and a starting point to calculate the new location of a point. In contrast, rotvision requires a current point, an axis and an original starting point. Note that these are all Opposite Values. The rotvision operation returns […]

R3 – Complex Rotations – Comparing Wave Numbers and Quaternion Efficiency

Introduction This comparison of Wave Numbers and Quaternions evaluates their efficiency based on the rotation operation due to its computational complexity. Computer games and other high quality graphics frequently use rotation operations to implement the physics of movement, making this an important consideration for performance. Unit of Rotation The magnitude and unit rotation of a […]

Quantum – Circuits – Part 2 – Bellagio Mirror

The Bellagio Mirror follows part 1 of the quantum circuit. It has already tagged the solution by changing the phase of q6 in parts  3, 4, 8, 9, 12-16 of the mega qubit. In order to be able to measure the qubits, it is necessary to reverse the quantum circuits. Do this by running the […]

Quantum – Circuits – Introduction

This post describes is an introduction to quantum circuits in Wave Numbers. It describes the representation of multipart qubits as tensor products. It also shows how multipart qubits are used in multipart addition and Haadamard gates. Definition According to Qiskit, ‘A quantum circuit is a computational routine consisting of coherent quantum operations on quantum data, such as […]

Quantum Programming – Introduction

One of the mysterious points to address in an introduction to quantum programming is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. This states that because of an electron’s wave-like nature, you cannot know the precise position and momentum of an electron. The more accurately you know one, the less accurately you know the other. An electron in a […]

R3 – Complex Rotations – Example 2

This post gives a second example of a complex R3 rotation. It uses the Wave Number Rotation formula adapted from Rodrigues’ formula and shows the Quaternion equivalent. Wave Number Rotation Formula Example 2 Take for example the rotation of 60^o ↺(4v+ 5iv + 6j^)  (1v + 2i^ + 3jv). Here θ = 60^o and v  = (1v + 2i^ + 3jv). ur is […]

R3 – Complex Rotations – Example 3

This post provides an example of a rotation chain involving three consecutive rotations. It uses the Wave Number Rotation formula adapted from Rodrigues’ formula and shows the Quaternion equivalent. Wave Number Rotation Formula Example 3 Rotation 1 In this example, 3 rotations take place one after the other: Calculate the chain of rotations using the […]

R3 – Reversal, Remain and Zero Rules

This post covers the Reversal, Remain and Zero rules of rotation in R3. The Reversal Rule of Rotation in R3 The third universal rule of rotation in R3 is the Reversal Rule. This rule states that a rotation can be reversed by multiplying the result of the initial rotation by the same operator, but with […]

R2 – Reversal, Remain and Zero Rules

This post describes 3 more universal rules of rotation in R2, the Reversal, Remain and Zero rules. The Reversal Rule in R2 The third universal rotation rule that applies in R2 is the Reversal rule . A rotation reverses when the result of the first rotation is multiplied by the Operator of the first computation […]