March 10, 2025
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Quantum – Theory – Basis & Born’s Rule

This post describes Born’s rule that defines the probability of the collapse of qubits to a quantum basis. z-axis Basis Define the z-axis basis states, {|j^>, |jv>},  as: which are orthogonal because their inner product = 0:                <j^|jv> = [1^ 0].   = 1^*0 + 0*1^ = 0 Born’s Rule In Wave Numbers, […]

Quantum – Theory – Bra-Kets or Dirac’s Notation

This post reviews the theory and format of quantum bra-kets and ket-bras, which is also known as Dirac’s notation. Ket-bras are outer products in comparison to bra-kets which are inner products. Definition Wikipedia defines a bra-ket as follows: ‘In quantum mechanics, bra-ket notation, or Dirac notation, is used ubiquitously to denote quantum states….  A ket […]

Quantum – Theory – State Equations

This post covers the generic equations for quantum states and gives the equations for the poles on each of the axes. As the Wave Number Bloch sphere is not available in our shop, references to the Bloch sphere will include both the Wave Number and Bloch sphere rotation ball co-ordinates where used. Standard Symbols Ψ, […]

Wave Number Bloch Sphere

This post describes the new Wave Numbers Bloch sphere. The sphere has been redesigned to use R2 Wave Numbers. Our shop does not have the Wave Numbers Bloch sphere available yet. However, the classic Bloch Sphere rotation ball is available. Quantum Bases Basis defined by |j^> and |jv> states The states that make up a […]

Quantum – Theory – Qubits and Bloch Sphere

This post describes the quantum theory behind qubits. Coins in the Air Consider qubits to be like coins that are tossed into the air. While the coins are spinning, it is possible to change their spin in a way that can change the possibility of a coin landing on heads or tails. Quantum computers […]