March 10, 2025
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Quantum – Circuits – Bell States

Creation of Bell States: Two qubits are maximally entangled when they are in a quantum Bell state. This means that one qubit is |j^> and the other |jv> and so are orthogonal to each other. Two qubits are put into a Bell state by first entangling them using a Haadamard gate and then putting them […]

Quantum – Circuits – CZ

CZ Gate The quantum CZ gate, the controlled Z gate,  phase-flips the second qubit in a multipart qubit whenever the first qubit is jv and the second qubit is jv. The first qubit is the control and the CZ gate works as follows: Note that all gates are unitary and as such the quantum CZ […]

Quantum – Circuits – CCNOT

This post covers the CCNOT gate in quantum programming. CCNOT Gate The CCNOT or Toffoli gate inverts the third qubit in a multipart qubit. This only happens if the first and second qubits are jv. So, the first and second qubits are the control bits and the gate works as follows:. Conclusion Check out the […]

Quantum – Circuits – AH2

AH2 Gate The quantum AH2 gate is the Haadmard gate for a multipart qubit with 2 qubits. The Haadamard operation, H, applies to the first qubit as follows: Next: CZ gate Previous: CNOT gate

Quantum – Circuits – CNOT

CNOT  Gate  The quantum CNOT gate, controlled not, inverts the second qubit in a multipart qubit whenever the first qubit is jv. The first qubit is the control. Examples of Quantum CNOT Gate Note that all gates are unitary and as such the quantum CNOT gate is reversible. See the Bellagio circuit for examples of […]

Quantum – Gates – Haadamard – H

This post shows how R2 Wave Numbers are used with the Haadamard gate. Note that part 1 of the Bellagio circuit uses Haadamard gates. H  Gate  The Haadmard gate puts |j^> and |jv> into superposition. It does this by splitting |j^> to |j^> + |jv> and |jv> to |j^> + –|jv>. Similarly to other gates, […]

Quantum – Gates – Pauli and σf

This post shows how R2 Wave Numbers are used with Pauli gates. It also introduces the σf gate which flips the Opposite Signs of both bits of a qubit. Pauli σx Gate           The purpose of the Pauli σx gate is to bit-flip a qubit. It does this by inverting the bits up and down […]

Quantum – Gates – Introduction

Gates Quantum gates perform operations on qubits and need to relate to the physical process that manipulates qubits. An element of 0 in a gate operating on a 1^ in a qubit is the equivalent of saying stop or that the wave has no probability of getting to that hemisphere. Dirac’s Notation Quantum theory is […]

Quantum – Theory – Superposition

Definition: Superposition represents any state of the qubit that is a linear combination of basis states |j^> and |jv> where both components are non-zero. States that are not in superposition: Note that although the state is mathematically possible, a qubit cannot physically exist in this state. Also, this state breaches Born’s rule which states that: […]

Quantum – Theory – Matrices

Introduction Wave Number matrices allow for the addition and multiplication of quantum states. Opposite Values and flipping work together to get differences and consequently eliminate the need for subtraction. As in classical maths, there is no such thing as division with matrices.  Multiply matrix a by the inverse of matrix b in order to divide […]