Flipping in R1 division can be applied to the individual Opposite Values or to the result to reverse their signs.
R1 Flipping Opposite Values
- –6v/3v = 6^/3v = 2v
- 6v/–3v = 6v/3^ = 2v
- 1^*(–1^/–1^) = 1^*(1v/1v) = 1^*1^ = 1^
- Note that 2 flips cancel out
- 1v*(–1^/–1^) = 1v*(1v/1v) = 1v*1^ = 1v
- 3^*(–4^/3^) = –(3^*4^)/3^ = 12v/3^ = 4v
- 3^*(–4v/–3^) = 3^*(4^/3v) = (3^*4^)/3v = 12^/3v = 4v
- Note that the flip on the divisor cancels out the flip on the numerator.
R1 Flipping Counters
The flip sign applies to the result in R1 division when used with a Counter. This is because Counters do not have an Opposite Sign to flip.
- 6v/–3 = 2^
The flip on the Counter divisor cancels out the flip on the Opposite Value numerator.
- 3^*(–4v/–3) = 3^*(4v/3) = (3^*4v)/3 = 12v/3 = 4v
R1 Flipping Terms
The Opposite Value of a term must be worked out before the flipping can take place in R1 division. An exception to this is where 2 flips happen together and cancel each other out. For example:
- b*(–a/–b) = a
- –2*–2a = 4a
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