September 16, 2024
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R1 – Division – Simple

This post covers simple math division using Opposite Values and Counters in R1.

Rotation Division Table.

The table shows the result of division by 1^ and 1v.


Simple Division with R1 Opposite Values

  • 1^/0 – undefined
  • 1v/0  – undefined

As in classical numbers, you cannot divide by 0.

  • 6^/3^  = 2^
  • 6v/3^  = 2v
  • 6^/3v  = 2v and 3v/6^  = 1/2v
    • This shows that division is not commutative.

  • (24^/8v)/2v = 3v/2v = 3/2^
  • 24^/(8v/2v) = 24^/4^ = 6^
    • This shows that division is not associative.

  • (11^ + 5v)/(2^ + 5v)  = 6^/3v = 2v 

A flip sign in front of an Opposite Value means that the Opposite Sign should be changed to the other Opposite Sign before division

  • 6^/3v  = 6^/3^ = 2^
  • 6^/3v  = 6v/3^ = 2v = 6^/3v
    • Two flips cancel each other out

Simple Division with R1 Counters

  • 6v/3 = 2v
  • 6/3 = 2
    • Division of two counters can only happen when associated with a term or an Opposite Value.
  • 6^/3  = 2v
    • Flipping by the Operator is possible in division. In other words, flipping by the Operator implies the result is flipped.
  • 6^/3  = 6v/3 = 2^ = 6^/3
    • Two flips cancel each other out


Try these examples of simple R1 division with our online calculator.

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