January 2, 2025
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R1 – Multiplication – Advanced

This post looks at more advanced R1 multiplications using expressions. The examples show that R1 multiplication of expressions is commutative.

Multiplication of Expressions that Contain Terms

A term can be multiplied with an Opposite Value. Multiplication is commutative. For example: x*2v = 2v*x.

Firstly, look at the equation (x + 1v )*(x + 3^) and (x + 3^)*(x + 1v ) with x = 2^.

If x =2^         
x + 1v =1^
x + 3^ =5^
(x + 1v) (x + 3^) = 1^*5^ =5^
(x + 1v) (x + 3^) = x2 + x*3^ + 1v*x + 1v*3^ =4^ + 6^ + 2v + 3v = 5^
(x + 3^) (x + 1v) = 5^*1^ =5^ Note that it is commutative

Secondly, look at the equation with x = 2v.

If x =2v
x + 1v =3v
x + 3^ =1^
(x + 1v) (x + 3^) = 3v *1^ =3v
(x + 1v) (x + 3^) = x2 + x*3^ + 1v*x + 1v*3^ =4^ + 6v + 2^+ 3v = 3v
(x + 3^) (x + 1v) = 1^*3v =3v Note that it is commutative

Other examples:

  • (x + 3^)(x + 3v) = x2 + 3vx + 3^x + 9v = x2 + 9v
  • (x + 3^)(x + 3^) = x2 + 3^x + 3^x + 9^ = x2 + 6^x + 9^
  • (x + 3v)(x + 3v) = x2 + 3vx + 3vx + 9^ = x2 + 6vx + 9^         



Finally, try these examples of advanced R1 multiplication with our online calculator.


Next: Flipping

Previous: Simple Multiplication

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